Bloggers call Britney "a train wreck"
Monday, September 10, 2007

Heckler Spray: said that Britney -- who in previous years has danced with a snake and French-kissed Madonna -- chose to wear “a skimpy outfit that showed off her twice-pregnant gut” and then spent the rest of the performance “lurching around miming her new single, while dancing like your Dad at the end of a wedding reception.”
PerezHilton: the king of celebrity bloggers thought the routine was so bad that he wrote an open letter to the singer in which he said that he was “insulted, offended and disgusted by your “performance” at the VMAs. Are you f…ing serious??? What you did was disrespectful to your few remaining fans. And it was disrespectful to MTV! You didn’t even try!!!!!” Hilton went on to say that Britney should have cancelled her show if she wasn’t ready to perform, that her routine was “beyond pathetic,” and that “the old Britney Spears” would have been embarrassed. He added that she “seemed dead on stage” and “couldn’t even get good hair extensions.”
Jossip: the gossip site said Spears’ “lethargic” performance was “a lackluster sight to behold. Picture, if you will, the slightly overweight washed-up pop star, clad only in an ill-fitting black bikini, lip-syncing lazily to her brand new hit single while halfheartedly gyrating.”
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Labels: britney spears, celebrity, celebs, entertainment, MTV Video Music Awards